Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Bingung bgt ..
Gw ga tau harus gimana lg ..
Belakangan ini emosi gw emang balik lagi ga ke kontrol after ngelewatin masa2 bahagia . Mo teriak tp ga bisa, mo nangis ga sanggup..alhasil sesak di dada malah makin menyiksa .
Tp gw ga boleh larut sm smua itu ... gw harus banyak bersabar & Istigfar untuk menyelesain smanya.

Bingung , kalut , prasaan kosong, kangen , marah, smua berbaur jadi satu ...Gw harus tetap sabar ..ini cuma cobaan buat gw .
Gw ga boleh cengeng ngadepin smua, gw harus TOUGHT .. gw harus buktiin kalo gw mampu .. I'M a SUPER WOMAN

Knapa dulu gw mampu dan skrg gw g bisa ??? .. GW HARUS BISA ...

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Never Been Easy, If...

It’s never been easy whether you have a disaster or a joy
If you don’t decide from which side you’ll see

It’s never been easy to love or to hate
If you don’t learn how this feelings grows

It’s never been easy to trust or not to trust
If you don’t recognize the people around

It’s never been easy to be happy or sad
If you don’t give your self a chance to show it

It’s never been easy to be brave or to be coward
If you don’t know the difference in between

It’s never been easy to help or not to help
If you don’t think how its going to make a change

It’s never been easy to be angry or to be patience
If you don’t draw the limitation lines

It’s never been easy to say or not to say
If you don’t take the responsibilities that goes with your words

It’s never been easy, to laugh or to cry
If you don’t realize when the proper time to do

It’s never been easy to condolence or to celebrate
If you can’t see the worth of a tears and a smile

It’s never been easy to praying or partying
If you can’t feel what a heart are for

So, never wish nor think
That I become you and you become me
Because I can see it’s never been easy
Even for every single one of us…
When we all don’t know who we really are
Or what we really want…
It’s never going to be easy